Wednesday, July 1, 2009

when words aren't enough :)

so, i finally figured out how to upload pics on this thing. the uploading time averages about 5 minutes per photo. lemme see how patient i am with this thing.......anyway, enjoy :)

this is called a chola. i promise it's not as filling as it looks. there's air inside that piece of bread :P

passing out glasses with neely at an eye camp

kids waiting in line to get their eyes checked :)

mamallapuram. a city that has 1400 year old statues and temples

bing and i preparing to watch lasik eye surgery

june volunteers!! (missing a couple)

ok, internet is lagging MAJORLY. have to wait til next time for more pictures. BRIEF is july 1st. which means a whole new set of volunteers have arrived and all the volunteers i've known here for the past month have gone home or are traveling elsewhere. sad! but exciting to enter into another month. until next time, HOPEfully with faster connection :)