Tuesday, June 2, 2009


hi everyone!

i am currently typing this at an internet cafe in chennai, india!

i'm a little in a hurry to type this, so don't mind the rush of words and and probably some typos here and there too. :P

so far india has been abs amazing. already i've gone through a typical day under the Unite for Sight organization. yesterday i helped at an eye camp distributing glasses, met the other cool volunteers, talked to some eye doctors, ate indian food with my HANDS!! ate the spiciest thing IN MY LIFE for dinner (i literally thought i was eating stringed beans when i realized after swallowing, it was a big ole' PEPPER), and learned some cool words in tamil, the native language here in chennai.

but other than what i've been DOING here, lemme give y'alls some of my first impressions of chennai, india. maybe they'll change, but iono, it's kinda cool to see how things are different compared to the US.

-the conception of TIME here in india is really fluid. you can't expect that if something is supposed to start at 10 am, that things will be on time and running. the fact that i'm here at the internet cafe is cuz the next event was just postponed :) a lot of things are really lax and people seem to take things a step at a time...not quite the regular rush and appointment-style feeling of western time.

-people HONK like crazy here. haha not just when cars are in the way. people honk when theyre merely passing by another car haha. so if you wanna imagine the sounds of india, think of lots of honking.

-it is CROWDEd. i couldnt believe my EYEs when i looked outside the airport when i first arrived. there were COUNTless heads waiting for their friends who had just flown in. but no duh, india is one of the most populated countries in the world. :D

anyway! much more to come. i have to go grab lunch now and head off to see a lasik eye surgery yay! miss you all at home :)



  1. oh em gee. that sounds SOOOO cool! :D im so excited for youuuu <3 and you get to watch eye surgery?? that's tight. even though i probably would never be able to stomach it. xD

  2. awesome! let's keep each other updated!

  3. sarsss, i miss you so much! it sounds like you're having an amazing time in india so far! check out my blog at valthe2100intern.blogspot.com

    i'm not sure what the time difference is, but maybe we can skype?

