Thursday, June 11, 2009

God of this City

I spoke too soon. Remind me next time I’m down in the dumps that situations, experiences, can’t be judged by a few impressions. I feel that I should know that by now, but somehow the lesson slips my mind when I’m in the middle of disappointment. Excuse the cheesy-ness, but MAYBE my eyes have gotten better…in terms of seeing this whole India trip with better perspective. Let me tell you what I mean by this…

I was lying in bed this morning and a song ran through my head, Chris Tomlin’s “God of this City.” The song takes a whole new meaning when I’m living in a completely foreign and unfamiliar city. But somehow, the grandness of the concept that God is in this city of Chennai, that every day, people know Him more, here thousands of miles from home, makes me stand in greater silence at the expanse of God’s love…and then, wonder why Chris Tomlin didn’t name his song “God of this WORLD.” But really, it’s been amazing to have the things I know conceptually, such as God being the King of all peoples, become more reality to me now.

This past Sunday, a few of the other volunteers and I attended an international church here in Chennai, and I seriously got chills as the people there starting singing and praising God in Tamil. I looked around me as the people sang, not knowing what exactly they were saying, but knowing exactly whom they were singing for…and then joining them whenever the English translations came up :P…awesome glimpse of unity and diversity at the same time there. Also, some of the eye camps at the rural villages I’ve attended here have been held in the same building the people use to worship God. Talking with the pastors of these villages have been pretty inspiring as I hear their hearts for their village and as I think on the sacrifices they’ve made to serve these people.

So is God here in Chennai, India? A resounding yes! And though I’ve listed the more obvious and physical evidence of this, sometimes it is in the small smiles, or a conversation with the other volunteers, or witnessing the process of an intricate surgery that I am reminded that God is here. And to think, if I kept my focus solely on my disappointment, I would really miss what is really happening around me. I think God just slapped me in the face (a loving slap) to finally see this reality.

In terms of my whereabouts and doings in India, I’ve had a couple of “first time___!” moments

-First time stepping foot into the Indian Ocean! On the volunteers’ day off, we took a road trip along the coast of India…beautiful man.

-First time watching a movie at the theater, entirely in Tamil! HA, was actually able to figure out MOST of the plot

-First time watching a liposuction surgery at one of the hospitals! SO very thankful for the facemask as I could make all the shocked/digusted/jaw-dropping expressions as needed without anyone seeing :D

Anyway, overall I am adjusting, learning, and hoping. Coming to see that, the moment I wake up each day here, is another chance to either trust God or trust myself. Daily battle man. And funny, I don’t have to be in India to know this. Applies right at home too. All right, enough musing on my part. Wishing all y’alls at home well :)


  1. yay! you saw a beautiful man at the ocean? ;)

  2. *Sigh* There goes Sarah again, saving the world even while on vacation and appreciating the beauties of it. Keep up the good work!

  3. i agreeee! with God of this WORLD!
    we sang that at the christian camp i went to...
    And that song really takes on new meaning at every place you go. :)
